Why choose a lead battery?


·        Why choose a lead battery?

·       Spaceflight Power lead battery

There are two types of lead batteries:

o   Lead-acid batteries opened with a sulphuric acid electrolyte diluted with water. This type of battery is characterized by the fact that they are reliable and use a technology that has been well-known since the 19th century and is well mastered. These batteries have the disadvantage of being influenced by temperature changes. They also require regular maintenance (refilling with distilled water), as their electrolyte evaporates over time.

o   Lead-acid batteries closed with a gel electrolyte. They have the advantage of being maintenance-free and easy to handle (no leaks) with stability that’s perfectly controlled by the manufacturer. They generally provide about 400 cycles at 80% discharge.


o   Reliability.

o   Good lifespan.

o   No memory effect.

o   Inexpensive.

o   Low self-discharge rate, 5 to 10% per month


o   Heavy.

o   Low autonomy.

o   Sensitive to cold.

o   Require regular maintenance (only open batteries).

o   Low energy density.


o   Industry.

o   Equipment for rail and automotive vehicles (including trucks), airplanes, satellites, etc.
